City Family Welfare Bureau - Pune

family welfare

The Public Health Department of Maharashtra State is primarily responsible for providing health services to the people of Maharashtra in accordance with National Health Policy. It implements health schemes and projects in the state with the help of various health centers established at the district level.

The State Family Welfare Bureau is in charge of executing health services at the district level in Pune. Apart from the State Family Welfare Bureau, there is also a Health Department under the wing of local administrative body Pune Municipal Corporation (PMC).  Click here to know more about the Health Department of Pune.

The main objectives of health programmes as stated by Public Health Department of Maharashtra are:
  1. To provide adequate and qualitative preventive and curative health care to the people of the State.
  2. To ensure greater access to primary health care by bringing medical institutions as close to the people as possible or through mobile health units, particularly in the under-served and backward districts.
  3. To improve maternal and child health with a view to reducing maternal and infant mortality.
  4. To improve hospital services at the secondary levels both in terms of infrastructure and personnel.
  5. To give training to doctors, nurses and other paramedical staff to meet the needs of health care in the State by upgrading their skills and knowledge.
  6. To improve the maintenance of buildings.
  7. To implement various national health programmes.
  8. To give health education for improving knowledge, attitude and behavior of the community.

State Family Welfare Bureau, Pune

State Family Welfare Bureau,PUNE(STD-020)
FAX No. 26058109/26058766/26058218

Dr. V. D. Khanande (Addl. Ch.)
Addl. Director

26058996 (P)

101 Extn.

Dr. V.D.Khanande.
Dy. Director (RCH)


203 Extn.

Asst. Director (RCH)

104 Extn.

Dr. V.K.Rokade
Asst. Director (FW)


Dr. S.B. Kokane
Asst. Director (FW)

150 Extn.

Dr. R.M. Kumbhar
Asst. Director (FW)


Dr. S.S.Ganu
Asst. Director (FW)

108 Extn.

Dr. S.J Kulkarni
Asst. Director (FW)


Dr. (Smt) Babita Kamlapurkar
Asst. Director (FW)

Shri. A. B. Linge
Chief Admin. Officer


122 Extn.

Joint Directors

Joint Director (LEPROSY & TB ),PUNE(STD-020)
PBX No.26686952-54
FAX No. 26686956

Dr.P.Y. Gaikwad, (Addl.Ch.)
Joint Director


Dr. P.Y. Gaikwad,
Dy. Director


Dr. Sharad Sabnis Asst. Director
26686951(211 Extn)
Dr. S. P. Patil, Asst. Director (TB)
215 Extn
Dr. R.R. Katti Asst. Director (TB)

Dr. B.D. Nanavare, Asst. Direcor (Leprosy)

Shri.D.M. Jagtap
Chief Administrative Officer ( TB & BCG)
Extn 21
Smt. B.S. Chanudhari
Chief Administrative Officer ( Leprosy)

Office of the Deputy Director

Deputy Director (IEC ),PUNE
Mr.Vilas Deshpande, Deputy Director
26610180    (P)
(STD-020) PBX No.26610178
FAX No. 26610179

Deputy Director (State Health Transport Organization) PUNE
(STD-020) PBX No.26058373 / 26058378
FAX No. 26058525
Deputy Director (State Public Health Laboratory)
Dr.R.M. Shinde
Dy. Director
26330223    (P)
26330224    (O)

Deputy Director (H.I.V.S.) PUNE

Dr. H.H. Chavan, (Addl.Ch.)
(STD-020) PBX No.26059530
FAX No. 26059530


Dr. H.H. Chavan, Principal Pune
27281255    (O)
27280808    (F)

District Health Officers in Pune

Dr. N.D. Deshmukh, Pune
020    26051418    (O)
26129965    (P)
26129965    (F)

Civil Surgeons
Dr. V.B. More, Pune
27286382    (O)
27286458    (F)

Medical Superintendent
Dr.B.M. Donglikar, Pune (
26692543    (O)
26696890    (P)


ddl.DHS FW
[email protected]
[email protected]


[email protected]

Deputy Director, IEC Bureau
[email protected]

Jt.DHS, Malaria
[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

DHO Pune

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